GLJ-8100气动网板清洗机,采用压缩空气为动力,以360°旋转喷淋清洗和漂洗方式,有效清洗印刷后网板上残留的油墨,银浆等印刷物质,确保丝印网板板面和网孔清洁;对应网板尺寸达1000x1000mm。主要应用于以下行业: 1. Touch Panel触摸屏/PCB线路板/FPC软板:油墨,银浆,绝缘胶,间隔胶等丝印网板和钢丝网板。 2.服装/标牌/塑胶/五金等行业丝印网板。 GLJ-8100 Pneumatic Screen Cleaning machine is used to clean printed ink and silver paste on printing screen. The machine is totally driven by compressed air. Rotate spray clean + spray resin + air dry functions can clean any silk screen and stencil. It is mainly used in the following industries: 1.TP/PCB/FPC: Ink, Silver paste, Isolated/Etching glue Screen and Stencil. 2.Clothing/Sings/Plastic/Hardware Silk Printing Screen. 机器特点Machine Feature: 完全采用压缩空气为能源,不使用电,绝无爆炸,起火等潜在的安全隐患。 Totally driven by compressed air, no electric power, no explosion, fire caused by electric sparks. 整体采用不锈钢机身,防酸碱腐蚀,坚固耐用,外形美观。 Totally SUS 304 structure, resist Acid and Alkali corrosion, 10 years lifespan. 一键式操作,清洗,漂洗,干燥按设定时间自动完成。 One-key operation, clean, rinse and dry process complete automatically according to pre-setting time procedure 清洗,漂洗可分别使用不同溶液,更适合复杂精密清洗要求。 Clean and rinse system can use different solvent to meet more strict clean requirement . 多级精密过滤系统,溶液循环往复使用。 Multi-level precise filtration system, Solvent repeated use in the machine. 配备自动加液,排液系统。 Standard equipped with auto solvent fill in and drain out function. 自排式排气口,连接工厂管道,消除网版清洗车间异味,保护工作环境,符合环保要求。 Exhaust air vent connected to the factory air pipe, no abnormal flavor in clean workshop caused by solvent, protect working environment, meet the requirement of environment protection. 减少10%印刷缺陷,显着提高印刷品质,减少返工几率 Cut off 10% printing defect, significantly improve printing quality 改善网版清洗车间环境,减少溶剂挥发异味,保护工人身体健康 Improve Screen Mesh clean workshop environment, reduce solvent volatile unpleasant flavor. 减低99%人工清洗网版破损率,延长网版使用寿命 Reduce screen damage rate to less than 1%, extend lifespan of Screen. 清洗溶剂循环反复使用,降低清洗成本,减少溶剂直接排放污染 Solvent repeated use, cost down, greatly reduce solvent emission. 机器规格Machine Spec: 项目Item GLJ-8100规格spec 较大网版尺寸Max Screen Size 1000 x 1000 x 40mm( Lx W x H) 液箱容量Solvent tank Max 50L; Min 25L 清洗时间Clean time 4~8min 漂洗时间Rinse time 1~2min 干燥时间Dry time 3~5min 耗气量Air consumption 200~800L/min 气源Air supply 0.5~0.7Mpa 排气口尺寸Air vent size Φ124 × H30 (mm) 过滤系统Filter system 三级过滤,3-class filtration system 清洗方式Clean mode 喷淋清洗+喷淋漂洗+高压气体干燥Clean +resin + dry 机器尺寸Machine size 约L1380 x W1050 x H 1950(mm) 机器重量Machine weight 420kg