GLJ-4100网版显影脱膜机,用于网版制作过程中的显影,自动冲洗嗮菲林后的丝印网版,使印刷图形自动显现。机器采用前后双喷杆,均匀喷淋,喷淋压力,流量可调节,适度显影。 适用于丝印网版重复使用时的自动脱膜,自动冲洗用脱膜液浸泡后的网版,使软化的感光膜脱落;也可用在涂上鬼影剂后网版上的鬼影清除。 GLJ-4100 Auto Screen Mesh Developing and Stripping Machine is used to clean screen after exposure of screen producing process. 2 water spray system clean the front and rear mask of the screen to make the printing graph clear. It is also used as Screen Striping Machine to clean wasted photographic coating and ghost image on screens. 机器特点Machine Feature: 高品质电动液压泵,实现高压喷射冲洗和循环过滤功能。 High quality electrical pump. High pressure water spray and recycle filtering function. 整体采用不锈钢结构,防酸碱腐蚀,坚固耐用。 Totally SUS 304 structure, Strong Acid and Alkali corrosion resistance, 10 years lifespan. 一键式操作,显影和干燥按设定程序一次性自动完成。 One-key operation, developing/Stripping and dry process complete automatically according to pre-setting procedure。 配备液位控制机构,水位低时,自动添加,水位到达时,自动停止。 Standard equipped water level control mechanism, automatically add water when water is not enough.. 配备防干抽控制系统,水量不足时自动保护液压泵。 Standard equipped water less alarm and protection system, shut off the machine automatically to protect the pump. 机器完全密闭喷淋显影,保持车间地面干燥,整洁。 Completely closed spray developing process, makes the ground of the workshop clean and day. 整合德国,美国,日本等较高品质电动,气动元件,经久耐用,稳定可靠。 Super well-known electrical and pneumatic parts from German, USA and Japan ensure stability and high quality of the machine. 模块化控制器,检修维护简便。 Modular design ensure easy maintenance. 用于网版脱和除鬼影。 It also can be used as a膜时,可用于脱膜uto striping machine after adjusting the water jet pressure and time. 机器规格Machine Spec 项目Item GLJ-4100规格 较大网版尺寸Max Screen Size L1000 x W1000 x H40(mm) 液箱容量Solvent tank Min 120L 显影/脱膜时间Clean time 1~4min(时间可选择和设定) 干燥时间Dry time 3~5min(时间可选择和设定) 气流量Air consumption 800~1000L/min 气源Air supply 0.55~0.7Mpa 排气口尺寸Air vent size Φ125 × H30 (mm) 过滤系统Filter system 2mm进水口过滤/2mm water inlet filter 显影/脱膜方式 前后喷淋清洗+气体干燥Spray clean + air dry 耗气量 1000L/min 气源 0.5~0.7Mpa 电源 AC380V,50HZ,11KW 机器尺寸Machine size L2000 x W1500 x H 2150(mm) 机器重量Machine weight 约500kg